


A dropdown text component that can be used to display hidden content

Dropdown Text

The DropdownText component is a dropdown text component that can be used to display hidden content. It is a great way to organize and display information in a structured and visually appealing way.

Want to use multiple dropdowns? Check out the Accordion component.



1import DropdownText from '@/components/atoms/DropdownText';
4    title="Dropdown Text"
5    content="This is the content of the dropdown text component."

Use borderStyle to change the border style of the dropdown text component.


The DropdownText component accepts the following props:

titlestring-The title of the dropdown text component.
contentstring-The content of the dropdown text component.
isOpenbooleanfalseIf true, the dropdown text component is open.
onTogglefunction-A function that is called when the dropdown text component is toggled.
borderbooleantrueIf true, the dropdown text component has a border.
borderStyle"b" | "t" | "l" | "r""b"The border style of the dropdown text component (uses Tailwind border classes).
activeColorstring"primary"The base color (use tailwind.config).
classNamestring""Additional Tailwind utility classes.
...propsobject-Any other valid HTML attributes.

The component can either manage its own state or be controlled by the parent component using the isOpen and onToggle props.


Basic DropdownText

Dropdown Text

Controlled DropdownText

Dropdown Text

This is the content of the dropdown text component.

DropdownText with No Border

Dropdown Text

DropdownText with Custom Border Style

Dropdown Text

Full Border DropdownText

Dropdown Text